During these uncertain times, there is a lot of information circulating around Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Ultimately, we all want to know how to stay safe and healthy. But we also need to know how to protect our healthcare professionals on the front lines and our most vulnerable populations.
At Supplemental Health Care, we have established an interdisciplinary team of registered nurses, compliance officers, legal experts, and more to monitor the situation daily and to offer guidance on policies, innovative employment solutions, and rapid responses as the situation continues to develop.
To stay informed about the COVID-19 pandemic, we recommend that you subscribe to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) email updates and listen to your local government officials for how your city and state are currently handling the outbreak. These are the best places for the most current, reliable information.
For healthcare professionals, it’s important to take care of yourself while you are caring for others. Be sure to check out the CDC’s page for managing stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 outbreak. The site also includes a section dedicated to information for healthcare professionals including topics like clinical and home care guidance, potential exposure, personal protective equipment, and more. There are also general updates, a symptom self-checker, and advice on how to reduce the spread of COVID-19 available from the CDC here.
If you’re wondering how SHC is monitoring and updating our healthcare professionals about the latest COVID-19 news, we have an FAQs page to answer those questions.
Our Calling
Healthcare services are a critical need in times like this, and we exist for just such a moment. As one of the largest healthcare staffing companies in the country, our ability to find healthcare professionals in the areas that need them is an important part of the national response. With the spread of COVID-19, we’re focused on using our purpose to help every healthcare professional with their calling. As always, we will stay focused on what matters most.
Our Worry Less, Care More promise hasn’t changed. We will continue to communicate and support our healthcare professionals in their careers, so they can focus on the patients who need them. SHC continues to work with a wide range of healthcare facilities from coast-to-coast with both travel and local opportunities in multiple disciplines, specialties, and settings, and we will use our reach and expertise to help support our communities during this COVID-19 response.
Many of the most urgent needs are for emergency rooms (ER), intensive care units (ICU), and general respiratory care. SHC is working with facilities around the clock to confirm demand and crisis rates. If you are a nurse, respiratory therapist, or other healthcare professional and would like to be contacted by our crisis response team, please sign up here for more information. If you are a healthcare facility requiring staff coverage, please email solutions@shccares.com so we can get to work on finding the professionals that your patients need.
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