John Augustyn has been a PTA for 11 years, the last ten of which he has spent with Supplemental Health Care. If ever there was someone who exemplifies the SHC brand, you would have to look no further than John.
He is counted on for more than just caring for his patients across all settings, he is also a Senior Ambassador in the Kansas City Allied Office. John is often called upon to speak to clinician candidates and help them understand why SHC is such a great career opportunity for them. He even helps out at career fairs and community events!
When asked about why he chose healthcare as a profession, John spoke about how it was a natural evolution for him, “I always knew that I was supposed to be in a career where I was helping other people. I am a people person to begin with, and it was natural for me to want to be helping others.”
John appreciates the fact that with SHC, he has opportunities to work in any setting and feel comfortable that he is going to help those patients recover to the point that they want to be physically.
An example of John’s Care More attitude that sheds light on the lengths that he will go to do what is in the best interest of his patients. He was working with a 17-year old motorcycle accident victim who had lost his leg. At the point where the young man’s progress had reached a plateau, his doctor wanted to discharge him.
John was adamant that if he stayed and worked a little longer with his prosthesis, he would be able to demonstrate important progress. At the clinicians meeting, the majority of the team was in favor of discharging the young man, but John fought for him to stay. John’s tireless efforts with his patient paid off as he was not only granted a longer stay, he exceeded expectations and ended up walking out of rehab!
That year, John’s contract with the hospital was extended because the young man’s mother wanted John to remain as her son’s therapist due to their connection and the progress they were making.
In summing up his Care More philosophy, John explains, “When I am treating my patients, I make sure they know that I genuinely care about them and that I will always be looking out for their well-being and helping them achieve their overall goals.”
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